Launched: 2013-06-18No. Members: 2,739,086
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Date Published: 2017-04-28 09:38:49

Subject: Is your glass half full, or half empty?

Is your glass half full, or half empty?

Greetings !

Welcome to all the New Signups. Members
are having amazing financial results.

How quickly do you want your money to double?

Well, if you look at a bank to double your money,
it will take years and years. (A great savings
account pays 3% a year)

The stock market can double your money... MAYBE...
as long as everything works out perfectly... after
years... BUT NOT LIKELY!

So, what about ACX Xtra Doubler Program?

So far, Xtra Packs have doubles a few times already.
Some at 3 days and some at 5 days...

... and now the Estimated Doubling Time is 6 days.

Ask yourself, "How great would it be if my money
doubled in 6 days?"

IT WOULD BE AMAZING! And, guess what?

Thousands of ACX Members will do just that.

They will buy Xtra Packs for $1, and then they
will double in 6 days.

Will you be one of them?

If not, then why? Would you rather try to double
your money another way? But where? It's impossible.


With a positive outlook and more sharing, we can
all make many thousands of dollars in the coming
weeks and months!

Word of caution:

When you see that your Xtra Packs have still not
doubled, don't think to yourself, "I have surely
lost that money."

Instead, say to yourself, "This is so exciting. If
my money isn't doubled today, hopefully it will in
day or two."

Then say to yourself, "I really need to tell all
my friends about this!"

Success comes when the way you look at things
remains positive... no matter what!

A positive attitude goes a long way to making the
ACX Systems successful. We all owe it to the
hard-working team at ACX, to support them in this
major undertaking.

They are happily working for YOU!

There is an old adage that goes something like this...

When a person has a bad experience, they tell 7
other people. But when they have a good experience,
they tell only 1 person.

This is NOT the way a successful person acts.

Let's change that statistic today at ACX by sharing our
new program with everyone. Let's spread good news that
ACX Xtra Doubler Program is Doubling Members' Money in
just days (estimated 6 days, currently).

Tell everyone, and then help them get started.



Do you realize that you have the whole internet,
filled with millions of people, who are all looking
for something exactly like ACX?

Never before has it been this easy to reach millions
of people, almost instantly. All the tools you need
are already prepared for you.


Help by Posting Withdrawal Proofs

If you got paid from ACX during the last few days or
weeks, be sure to let everyone know about it on social
media and earn up to $20 each time.

It's all explained right here:


ACX does NOT USE MAGIC to Create Money

It's True! We Don't!

But some people seem to believe that ACX has some
magical formula to pay Members 150% in just weeks.

But that's crazy, right?

Here is the truth!

Ad Click Xpress can provide its Members MORE MONEY
BACK, in the form of Daily Sales Commissions or other
earnings, because of one thing:

The SALES efforts of Member Affiliates (promoters)
who ACX pays high commissions (up to 25% per sale)

These powerful DSC earnings continue to happen as
long as enough ACX Members continue to spend money
and SHARE the ACX business opportunity with others.

It's all according to the Simple Recipe of ACX


NOW... are you committed to start sharing ACX more?


We can reach millions a day in sales revenue (we've done
it before) if we ALL do our part!

START by telling your friends and family how they
can DOUBLE their money (many times over) with the
New ACX Xtra DOUBLER Program:


Currently your money DOUBLES every six days!


But wait... Are YOU Still Earning 6% Daily as well?

Don't forget about the amazing power of the
Ad and Media Systems.

Earn a FULL 150% in One Month!


Great Things Happen Every Day at ACX! Don't
be left behind!

ACX Management Team


P.S. Here are some very important points we think
should be in every update we write:

1- ACX Monsoon is the best system ever - earn an
effective 5% per month, every month for LIFE:

$50 per Month for Life = $333 Initial Purchase*
$100 per Month for Life = $667 Initial Purchase
$250 per Month for Life = $1,667 Initial Purchase
$500 per Month for Life = $3,333 Initial Purchase
$1000 per Month for Life = $6,667 Initial Purchase
$2500 per Month for Life = $16,667 Initial Purchase
$5000 per Month for Life = $33,333 Initial Purchase

*You can start with as little as $20 and work your way
up to this amount by purchasing new Monsoon Packs
with your daily earnings!

2- ACX Support Team is available 24/7 by clicking on
the LIVE CHAT feature. Our goal is to provide you with
help to make your experience at ACX enjoyable and
profitable as quickly as possible.

3- All today's requested withdrawals are being worked on.
We will inform you as often as possible of any withdrawal
batches we have completed, as they happen - this will help
you request withdrawals for the smaller payment processors.
You can review these notifications in your Message Center,
under Support News - the link is near the bottom of on the
ACX Dashboard in the Member Area.

4- ClickDraw Winners are updated weekly - see them all at


5- ACX Management invites you to take the time to fully
understand ACX - the following documents are available
in the Member Area Menu under "Popular":

Many Ways to Make Money

ACX Huge Advantage

What is ACX?

ACX Simple Recipe


400% Strategy

Patented Pay System

Take the ACX Challenge

Better than an HYIP

Better than JustBeenPaid

Manage Your ACX Business

Money Management Guide

Put Your Money to Work

Panel Exchange

Variable DSC

New Reset System

Start with Zero Money

Unlimited Earning Potential

2% per Day for Life

50 Ways to Save 100's a Month

6- If you speak a language in addition to English and would
like to help other ACX Members, we are always looking Global
Representatives who will take time to assist members in their
"first" language. In exchange for help, ACX offers many
benefits to Global Reps that can add more income and
opportunities. Read more here:


7- We think the easiest way for All Members to Share ACX
is by using affiliate websites. These are pages that are
designed to introduce ACX in a way that people will want
to join you as a New Members of ACX. Take a look at
our newest pages:


And we pay you a LOT of money to share ACX!


8- Members who want to review past Email Updates,
please go to:


9- Feel free to give us your suggestions about anything:


10- Don't forget to tell everyone about ACX - there is a huge
amount of information at the ACX Marketing Site. Plus,
posting positive comments online will always help too.


11- Don't want to wait for your panels to pay out? Then
sell them quickly in the ACX Panel Exchange - it's highly
effective for buyers and sellers.


12- Don't forget this very important point - for the Ad and
Media Systems ONLY!

Spend $10, make back $15 in just 30 days (6% per day)
Spend $100, make back $150 " "
Spend $1,000, make back $1,500 " "
Spend $10,000, make back $15,000 " "
Spend $100,000, make back $150,000 " "

13- Join the ACX Elite Marketing Group

This is the group of most active and informed
ACX Members - you get an extra update each
day to help you make more money!



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