Launched: 2013-06-18No. Members: 2,739,097
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Date Published: 2013-11-06 22:37:41

Subject: It Is Time To Change Your Passwords!

Support News

November 6th, 2013

It’s Time To Change Your Passwords!

To keep your account safe, all passwords must be changed periodically. We take security seriously, and you should too!

ACX is continuously being proactive to prevent members from falling victim to internet criminals! So in the next few hours, all ACX passwords will be reset and you must click "Forgot Password", and create a new one which need to confirm via a link in your email. Be sure to check your Spam Folder.

Your new password will be required to include at least one of each: capital letters, numbers, symbols, and lowercase letters, with a minimum of 8 characters. Do not use the same password you had used previously.

Important Security Tip - First change the password for the Email you have associated with your ACX account, for maximum security - having access to this E-mail address is the easiest way for a hacker to gain complete control of your ACX account. Also, remember that creating unique passwords for each site or account  that requires a login is the best way to keep yourself secure.
We value every one of the ACX members and strive to ensure the best experience on the internet. This includes guarding your safety and securing accounts from predators. You can expect to be prompted to change your password on a regular basis.

To Your Continued Success
The ACX Support Team